We actually accidentally had 2 lunches on Thursday so we really got in the spirit of Thanksgiving hehe.
It really does'nt feel like December. it is so HOT. We are melting. But we have been blessed with wind this last week. People have been taking pity on us and letting us in more which is really nice. It is a lot cooler inside homes. And we are getting into houses (at least for the bathroom) from all of the water we drink. The glamorous life of a missionary.
We have cambios this week! Me and Hermana Ovando are staying together! AND Hermana Black is coming to be with us in a trio! I Love trio life! I have never met her but she is just coming out of her training and I am so thrilled we are going to be together.
Other news is they opened a sector of Hermanas in the other branch next to ours so 2 hermanas are also coming to live with us! I couldn't be happier. We are going to have Christmas with 5 Hermanas in the house. It is going t be a blast.
Our investigators... well... they have seen better days. We will be going fishing this week. But we are excited. We will be drinking lots of water.
I am happy and healthy and serving my God. Really I couldn't be in a better place.
We saw lots of little miracles this week. I am learning that God always has miracles and help waiting for us in our way when we are on HIS path. What we need to do to receive those blessings is align our thoughts with his will and look with faith.
Love you!
Hermana Saunders