Another thing I forgot to mention in my last letter is that I experienced my first earthquake last week!!! Exciting stuff. They are very small, only last a few seconds and basically all you can feel is a little shaking from the ground. Harmless. But fun.
So this week I learned the valuable lesson of how to shower from a bucket. Our gas went out on Thursday right before all stores were closed for Palm Friday. So we have been having fun taking very cold showers and boiling water each day to bring with us into the shower. Hopefully we will have gas by the end of today.
Speaking of Palm Friday I hope everyone had a happy Easter and enjoyed conference, I sure did! Three new Temples and one in Thailand! I was so so happy to hear that! Anyone know why Elder Scott did not speak? I was a little bummed about that, he is my fav. Anyways, so many amazing things were said, not all of our investigators came to hear but we will be waiting eagerly for the Liahona to come out so we can share it with them. We are so lucky to have a living prophet on this earth.
Things are great here. I am learning more and more Spanish every day! Right now I am working on doing contacts on my own. If I am being honest I have definitely had some pretty awkward moments with it this week but I sure have learned a lot. It is an intimidating thing walking up to a stranger who speaks a different language than you and trying to get them to understand that God loves them and wants them to listen to you. Funny thing is through all our the weirdness of it the Spirit is always there. I may not know Spanish but I do know the language of the Spirit. Right now that is what is important.
I will be sending more pictures soon I promise but I forgot my camera cord today so you will just have to wait until next week (:
Love you!
*Cheek Kisses*
Hermana Saunders
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