Monday, October 26, 2015
Linares: City of Dreams
Okay, so this week has been great. I am absolutely LOVING
It is NOT little. Everyone told me it was this little campo
town, but it is at least 5x bigger than Hualqui- it is surrounded by farms so
people think there is nothing out here. There is a huge city center that
is beautiful. I am absolutely thrilled to be here. I got to jump right in a start
teaching this week with a good of investigators. I can tell the difference in
sectors in the city that are near Concepción and out here in 'campo' people are
a little more friendly and willing to listen which is awesome.
We are teaching two families who have dates for baptism this
next month. Right now I don’t know if either of them feel ready to be baptized,
but this week we are going to do our best to help them learn how to understand
the voice of the spirit so that they can know they have received an answer to
their prayers and feel comfortable and ready for this big step.
Our home here is HUGE. It is so sad there are only 2 of us
in it. We are actually the only Hermanas in the zone too.
Here we also have BIKES. It has helped out a lot this week
because this sector is so big. They have to be fixed up a little this week, but
they are super nice to have around.
We also have our own washing machine. I am not really sure
how this sector can get better, but I will let you know. It really does surpass
my dreams. Well Love you. I will let you know more in the coming weeks about
the sector. I am loving being with Hermana Ovando once again and excited to learn
more from her.
Hermana Saunders
Monday, October 19, 2015
Fabian's baptism
We had a baptism yesterday! (¡Por fin!) It might be the
most beautiful thing I think I have ever witnessed. We had it after church and
so many people helped out which was awesome. His family came and while we were
taking pictures President and Hermana Arrington showed up! Hermana Arrington
had taught him with us a few weeks back and we had invited her to come (but didn’t
hear from them after so we expected them not to come) It was such a pleasant
surprise. We started the meeting with two talks from a youth in the ward and
one of Fabians mentors in his basketball team. Hey were really neat. We then
went to the font and there he was baptized by his neighbor, Hermano Colla- It
was a really emotional moment for me and Hermana Prettyman. After that We heard
his seminary teacher give her testimony and then Hermana Prettyman and I sang a
musical number together. The Spirit was so strong in the room when Hermana
Arrington then got up and bore her testimony about how Fabian was a chosen
spirit to help the Lords work and share the gospel- tears were shed.
I feel so lucky to have had the chance to teach Fabian. I
know that God put him in our path for a reason
Other craziness CAMBIOS today! I am going to Linares! It
is literally a dream come true! Hermana Ormeño and Hermana Prettyman have both
been there and LOVED it- their favorite sectors. I am thrilled to meet their
converts. It is 'Campo' or away from the city which I am really excited about.
I will be with Hermana Ovando AGAIN! Crazy right? I am excited 3 weeks just wasn’t enough
I want to testify that God lives and he loves each and every
one of us. He has a beautiful plan for each and every one of us. He will help
us achieve heights that we never could alone.
I love you!
Hermana Saunders
Fun tidbit- we woke up to the sound of meows and when we
looked in our garage the tom cat that hangs around our house had kittens on an
old sleeping bag in there. We now have 4 of them that wake us up every morning.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
What sign do I want to show God
Hello Family and friends! How was your week? Mine was
fabulous. Uneventful but it is absolutely wonderful to be in the service of my
Fabiàn is doing so great. We are preparing him for his
interview this week and his baptism on Sunday. We made invites and everything.
Jannier as well continues to progress and this week we will
complete all of her needed teachings before her baptism. In talking to President
Arrington, he would like her to attend church for another month before her
baptism, so she will be set for the beginning of November.
We have a reading chart for both of them that we are all
doing together to help them get to know the stories and teachings of the Book
of Mormon.
When they are both baptized we will be totally dry without
investigators...So we went finding this week. Many days of a of walking and
praying, but we reached our goal, only through the miracles of God. We will have
some new people to visit this next week hooray. I'll let you know if any of
them progress.
This week we taught about la Dia de Reposo or the Sabbath
Day. In our zone conference last week we learned about how the First Presidency
sent out training videos to all stake presidency in the world about the
importance of the Sabbath day. They promised us that if we keep the Sabbath day
holy we can increase our faith and have lasting conversion! That is a huge
promise! Especially when we are looking at the number of less actives in our
Something we taught it that the Sabbath day it not just
going to church. It is devoting ALL of our day to our Heavenly Father to do HIS
work. It is a day to rest from our labors. It means using our time to do HIS
work and not ours.
My invitation for you guys this week is to analyze your dia
de reposo and as Elder Nelson challenged us from his last conference talk 'what
sign do I want to show God? Then with
our actions show Him that he is first in your life.
Sending my Love from Chile!
Hermana Saunders
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
¡Conferencia General!
What a wonderful week. A long, but wonderful week.
Here are some highlights
On Tuesday we invited our mission President's Wife,
Hermana Arrington to come out with us on so visits. It was such a great day! We
visited Fabiàn with her and her testimony brought such a great spirit to the
lesson. We taught him about prophets and he asked us if we'd be happy if he
became prophet one day. It was a joke, but we told him that we would be very
proud of him if he became prophet but that first he needed to be baptized. He
has always related to Joseph Smith so we joke and call him Fabiàn Smith. He
came to all sessions of conference and told us of his excitement to become a
teacher after his baptism. He is so incredible. He has such desires to change
and please God. He is so excited to be baptized in 2 weeks.
We also put a date for Jannier for baptism at the
beginning of November. She attended 2 sessions of conference and really liked
it. Despite the fact that her mother and father do not want her to be baptized,
she has a testimony of the church and is following what she knows to be
true. I love her. She so brave.
It is weird that our focus group has turned into the
youth program! It show me that really in these final days Heavenly Father is
sending his strongest soldiers to come and grow in the gospel. I look up to
Jainner and Fabian so much. I feel so blessed Heavenly Father trust us to teach
We also had zone conference this week. (15 hours of
conference for us)
We spoke a lot about helping our areas understand the
importance of keeping the Sabbath day Holy. I learned so much, even about how
we as missionaries can consecrate our Sundays more fully to our Father in
I was so moved by General Conference, and I just want to
invite you if you haven't already had the chance to listen to the talks, to do
it. And then review it. I know we have a prophet of God on the earth today. I
know that through the words of his servants the Lord tells us all that we need
to know and do. God can answer any questions and doubts that you have if you
are willing to act on the words of his prophets.
I love this mission. Through everything I know that this
is where I am supposed to be. I know that God has a path for all of us. He
Loves us and knows our needs.
Hermana Saunders
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