So this week was incredible. It flew by. We had two amazing lessons with Hector this week. I know I talk about him too much but he has absolutely blown my mind. He told us this week that he is getting really excited for his baptism. We taught him about the real commit of baptism and the promises we make with God. We were all just about in tears at the end. I have never seen anyone more prepared in such a short amount of time. I feel so so so blessed to get the chance to know and teach him.
Disaster struck on Wednesday when he sent us a text and said he needed to talk with us. Of course we thought the worst and started freaking out. His phone was out of range so it was impossible to communicate with him. The Elders saw him kiss his girlfriend that day and we thought it must be something with her-
We called him the next day and he told us she had broken up with him. He was super sad. But he said that just as he was walking away he prayed to God for a sign that he was there and that he cared and the Elders magically turned the corner. He took that as his sign. He was like- Wow that was fast.
Pray for him that all will be prepared for his baptism on Saturday!
We are teaching another boy named Claudio. We had a really great lesson with him this week where he told us he realized that we was ready to be baptized (After almost a year of meeting the missionaries) We feel super blessed he finally has come to recognize the spirit responding to his prayers. It was a really light to me that other people that I have taught and not progressed, still have hope for the future. He is preparing to be baptized on the 27th.
Cambios are next week and I have to say I am pretty sad. It is likely I will leave because I have the most time here but I am really really hoping I might get to stay just one cambio more. This really is the sector of my dreams. It is funny and sad how when you really come to love things, it it time to go. Whatever happens, I have never been happier serving the Lord and I can not wait to see what the future holds in store.
Que les vaya bien!
Hermana Saunders
PS I completed a year this week in the mission... 

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