CAMBIOS THIS WEEK! And boy are things changing. As I have previously mentioned I am in a trio currently with 2 beautiful, wonderful Argentines. With Cambios we expected Hermana Ovando to leave and Hermana Tejarena to stay with me and work in Hualqui... but these things never turn out as we expect hehe- they are both leaving me! I get to lead or sector with only 3 weeks in the area! yikes! BUT the good news is I will be with Hermana Prettymen! I adore her! We were in the same group of Hermanas when I was is Barrio Norte (We had the same Hermana Leaders and had activities together) I can't wait to work with her.
This week we were able to find a ton of new people to teach!
It started out super slow Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We
were knocking doors all day with no exito (wa-wa) but after Zone class and mini
cambios with our Hermana Leaders on Thursday we had new energy to work! On
Saturday we found 4 news and also have even more promising appointments for the
coming week! It only shows that with faith the Lord will fulfil his promises.
Sometimes he lets us squirm a little. He lets us have hard days but the
blessings always outweigh the cost.
Hermana Lance and Hermana Heaton are both staying in Hualqui
with me and it will be really great to have their help with this Cambio. We
will be living with all greengas, and I have to say I am a little worried for
my Spanish. I promise I will be continuing to work hard on improving :)
A funny thing with the Spanish is that I really can
understand what is important. Somehow, when things really matter, when we are
in a lesson or contacting someone good- I can understand super clear. I have
really been learning that relying on the spirit is the key is all things.
Something that is becoming very clear to me is that the Spirit can't be with us
to full capacity when we are afraid. It works much better when we have the
faith to not fear. When we depend on the Lord and know that he will help us on
all things, he will come through. There is no such thing as coincidences, every
milagro (miracle) is from Him. This is my invitation to you this week (Sorry I
am a missionary and we always leave behind and invitation)- Be brave, have
faith that the Lord can take care of you and help fix whatever you might be
facing right now. I want to testify that God is real and he really knows your
challenges and your trials. Through him we don't have to feel the stress of
this world. Through him all is possible.
I love you!
Besos Chow!
Hermana Saunders
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